Friday, April 2, 2021

surya namaskar - benefit-how to do-when to do-why-to do-step by step guide


Surya Namaskar is a complete yogasana. It is a group of different postures. There is 12 pose in this posture, which is completed after doing it. By doing yoga, new energy is transmitted in the body.

Surya Namaskar is considered the best in all yogasana because it postures that help in keeping the body maintain the correct as well as to calm the mind and healthy shaping. Sun salutation alone a yoga practice, which benefits the whole yoga exercise person. For this reason, it is also called Sarvangasana. Especially it is very useful for such people, Who have a lack of time and those who can not get the time to keep fit body. 

According to Indian philosophy "sun salutation" The words of the means dedicated to the sun or greet (salute) do. Surya Namaskar is a combination of 12 powerful yoga asanas, which is also an excellent cardiovascular exercise and beneficial for health. Surya Namaskar mind and body keep both healthy.

It is advisable to do sun solution in the morning on an empty stomach. Let us start these simple and effective asanas of Surya Namaskar for our good health.

Step by step guide for surya namaskar 

step by step guide for surya namaskar
12 pose of surya namaskar

Surya Namaskar is a practice, it's 12 yoga is designed to mix and has a different significance for each score | It went prepared a whole process, this posture to get rid of a variety of diseases and conditions, is, as well as the blood circulation body repair | It is a posture, by which you can reduce your stress | So let's know how to do Surya Namaskar step by step guide for beginner    

Here we will read about 12 asanas of Surya Namaskar

1. pranam aasan ( Prayer Pose)

Sun introduced the evening begins with greetings currency. To do this asana, first of all, you should stand in a cautious position and raise both palms upwards while raising your two hands parallel to the shoulder. The hands of the next part of the Get one example affixed to each other and stand hand in the exchange of greetings walking round downwards bringing the front side of the state.

2. Hastauttanasana


Breathe in Hastuttanasn while both hands are raised upward, and waist tilt backward arms and neck while bending backward. This posture is deep and increasing lung capacity by filling breath.

3.Hasta Padasana

Hasta padasana

 Breathing in the third stage of the sun salutation exhale slowly would bend forward. At the same time in this posture, we catch your toe with both hands.

4. AshwaSanchalanasana


This posture should be stood claw Time feet and breathe with the ground consult your hands is to move back right foot. Subsequently, the chest lifts the neck before dragging | While this posture notes that the waist should not Jhukni.

5. Dandasana


This posture is behind the time left feet and takes the shape of the body straight line

6. Ashtangasana


In this asana, you have to lie facing towards the ground and lift the thighs slightly above the knee, chest, and chin on the ground and release the breath.

7.  Bhujangasana


During the serpent posture conditions, is taking the upper part of your body, while the rest of the remains came from the ground and you see upward | It is the same hand that helps lift up your body |

8. Parvatasana


During Prwatasn only towards the top part of the body to rest your arms and legs are mounted on the ground | Build your entire body Prwatasn is on the hands and feet |

9. AshwaSanchalanasana


Ashwsnchaln posture is regarded as the seat being fourth | In this posture, one has to come back to the same position

10. Hasta Padasana

Hasta Padasana

Hstpad posture is once again on the podium where the third | Return the Ushi to the position you have passed.

11. Hastauttanasana


Hstutthan posture Just like on the pedestal are the second.

12. Prayer Pose

Prayer Pose

This asana is the same as the first posture currency ie bow loaded | These 12 currencies after the idle again stand-in a state of relaxation and bow seat to the once again. Here you have to keep in mind here, that four or five times and finally stretched at least in the sun salutation started 12 of 15 to the bar.

Note - After doing Surya Namaskar 12 Kriti and after performing other yoga asanas (yoga asana) , one should definitely take complete rest in Yoga Nidra. This will show a different effect in your body, it will make your body fit and fit, happy and calm, it will become the mantra of your healthy life. The mantra whose effect will be with you throughout the day.

what is yoga 

Benefit of Surya namaskar

Surya Namaskar has considered the best in yoga is, it is also called overall exercise. By regular practice of only one yoga, the person has the benefit of complete yoga exercise. The person's body becomes healthy and healthy by its practice. ' sun solution ' is also said to be useful for women, men, children, young and old people.     

By doing Surya Namaskar, the body benefits from a lot, some of these are as follows- 

  • By doing Surya Namaskar in the morning, there is a stir in the body, and blood circulation increases in all the important components.
  • Sun our entire body Hello idle helps with healthy  disease-free living |
  • This is a Yogasana, it is done by facing the sun at sunset, due to which the rays of the sun enter the body, the amount of vitamin D is very high, which makes the bones strong.
  •  the digestive power of the stomach is increased and plays a very useful role in the solution of problems related to digestion, indigestion , constipation, indigestion , gas, soreness and loss of appetite.
  • When our body becomes flexible and if medium speed conditions, the sun salutation slow helps to tone the muscles |
  • If you do the sun salutation pace a heart-rate Bdanen exercise is, get it as well as help in weight loss |
  • .Body of all systems such as digestive, respiratory , reproductive, balances the nervous and Antastravi gland |
  • sun solution exercise provides mental peace as well as provides patience
  • By its practice, blood circulation is intensified and the speed of metabolism increases, which makes all the organs of the body strong and functional.
  • Obesity can be overcome by its regular practice and it can also be kept away from it.
  • The person practicing it regularly reduces the possibility of having problems like heart disease, high blood pressure , low blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, constipation.
  • Along with the diagnosis of mental stress, depression, anxiety, etc., it also prevents anger, irritability, and fear.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the legs and arms. Develops chest.
  • Reduces excess body fat at a fast pace.
  • The the concentration of mind increases, as well as memory and self-power increases.
  • The chances of getting skin disease on the body are eliminated.
  • Doing it continuously increases eyesight. And all the related problems go away
  • The fat (fat) of the stomach is reduced by reducing the weight (weight), which is very helpful in reducing the weight of obese people.
  • Regular use of this asana prevents hair loss and dandruff.
  • It activates all the organs, muscles, and nerves of the body.
  • In this practice, there is an amazing increase in the elastic strength of the body. Adult and old people also practice it regularly, then their body elasticity becomes like children.
  • Helps to balance the secretions of all the important glands of the body, such as the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid , adrenal, liver , pancreas, ovary etc. 
  • Activates and strengthens all the institutions of the body, blood circulation , breathing, digestion , excretion, pulse and glands.

Mantras for surya namaskar 

In Hinduism, Surya has been considered as God. Is sun worship, and the world,  the sun god is responsible for continuously running | The most important thing is that  the world's largest and the only source of the sun's energy, which gives us the realization of unlimited energy per day and that is able to conclude its daily operations |  

Adityasya Namaskaran Ye Kurvanti Dine Dine.

Age: Wisdom goes from strength to strength.

Meaning- People who do sun solution every day, their age, intelligence , strength, semen, and fast increases. 

Precautions for Surya Namaskar

While doing Surya Namaskar it is necessary to take some precautions, which is as follows- 

  • Menstruation and women up to four months of pregnancy should not take this action |
  • Sun not immediately after bathing conditions, to greet to it at least to exercise 15 should be bathed minutes later |
  • If anyone should be hurt in any way or have any problem in his spine do not do these exercises |
  • High blood pressure, hernia, Grsit person with heart disease should not greet the sun at all |
  • If fever or pain favorites should not exercise at this stage |

Surya namaskar why to do 

With the increase in physical and mental energy through the regular practice of Surya Namaskar, thinking and memory power also starts to intensify. There are many other benefits of this, after the issues given below, your answer will be found. 

Improvement in blood circulation

Surya Namaskar daily improves blood circulation, reduces the possibility of blood pressure. Metabolism improves and all body parts are strong and functional.

Helpful in weight loss

By doing sun solution you start losing weight fast. By doing this consistently not only your weight loss occurs, but it is also shaping the way your body completely. If done fast, it can be your best cardiovascular workout. If they are regularized, then abdominal fat is reduced.  

Removes stress

By performing Surya Namaskar, your memory power increases and the nervous system calms down, which relieves your anxiety. The activity of endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland, is normal with sun solution.

The digestive system is better

Stretching of the abdominal organs occurs during sun the solution, which improves the digestive system. Women who have constipation, complain of burning indigestion or stomach, empty them every morning stomach should the sun salutation.   

Helpful to detoxify the body

Breathing and exhaling during the Yogasanas reach the lungs. This carries oxygen to the blood, which gets rid of the carbon dioxide and other toxic gases present in the body.

Relieved from the problem of periods

An extraordinary amount of time women complain of irregular periods,  problems with the posture of the sun salutation is a lot easier than that. Doctors believe that regularizing these asanas also reduces pain during delivery.

Why should children do Surya Namaskar? 

Surya Namaskar calms the mind and increases concentration. Today's children participate in a lot of competitions. Therefore they should do regular sun solutions as it increases their stamina and reduces anxiety and discomfort during exam days.   

Regular practice of sun solution increases strength and ooze in the body. It is the best exercise of the muscles and increases the flexibility of the spinal cord and limbs of our future players. Children up to 5 years old can start doing regular sun solutions.

When and where to do Surya Namaskar

Like all compound activities, sunrise is considered to be the best time of the morning. At sunrise, the rays from the sun are Sidd very beneficial for our health | The most important thing is that sun the solution should always be done by laying a pedestal in an open area and keeping your stomach facing towards the sun god. This makes the mind calm and happy.


In today's post, we have tried to give complete information about sun solution, which is a type of yoga practice. Such as the benefits of Surya Namaskar. The importance of Surya Namaskar, when to do Surya Namaskar, why do Surya Namaskar, Surya Namaskar Mantra, why children should do Surya Namaskar, etc. I hope that this information of mine will prove to be helpful in your life. 

If there are any questions related to this or suggestions for us, then please tell us by commenting 


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